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Newton Abbot and Bath 29th Sept

30-September-2014 13:13
in General
by Admin

Yesterday we had 3 runners, No No Cardinal, Medal Of Valour and Gorteenwood. Medal Of Valour was at Bath in the 3.20 1m2f race, unfortunately he didnt really enjoy the ground so it wasnt a great run from him. No No Cardinal was in the 4pm race at Newton Abbot over chase fences, he put in a fanstastic run for us against some great horses and got 4th place. The beautiful Gorteenwood sadly had to be pulled up after the 15th fence because he broke down on a weak tendon. We have had some amazing wins from Lester (Gorteenwood), he was such a pleasure to have on the yard and will be greatly missed. We hope he has a quick recovery and has a lovely life ahead of him.